all postcodes in TR15 / REDRUTH

find any address or company within the TR15 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR15 2AA 2 2 50.233733 -5.226712
TR15 2AD 1 0 50.233154 -5.226512
TR15 2AE 35 12 50.234059 -5.226327
TR15 2AF 24 18 50.233867 -5.226427
TR15 2AG 59 0 50.223385 -5.215791
TR15 2AJ 11 5 50.23433 -5.224985
TR15 2AL 1 1 50.23332 -5.228325
TR15 2AN 15 1 50.234274 -5.225374
TR15 2AP 12 1 50.234609 -5.223686
TR15 2AQ 1 1 50.233997 -5.225966
TR15 2AR 17 1 50.234435 -5.223786
TR15 2AS 1 0 50.233153 -5.227528
TR15 2AT 26 7 50.233198 -5.227209
TR15 2AU 11 3 50.232976 -5.227418
TR15 2AY 6 0 50.233075 -5.227733
TR15 2AZ 9 7 50.233036 -5.22947
TR15 2BD 11 9 50.233312 -5.228591
TR15 2BE 3 0 50.233288 -5.229452
TR15 2BG 1 1 50.233733 -5.226712
TR15 2BJ 1 1 50.233521 -5.227862